Join us for our annual event in spring 2022!
Each year, our spring event has raised crucial funds to support our highly regarded Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. Your past support has helped advance our mission at Voices for Children to provide a CASA volunteer to every child in San Diego County foster care who needs one. We look forward to gathering again in spring 2022, and we hope you will make plans to join us.
Interested in becoming a 2022 event sponsor?
Contact Philanthropy and Special Events Coordinator Samantha Daum at events@speakupnow.org or 858-598-2261.

Amy Wood/The Woody Foundation
Annette Bradbury
Carolina Finch
Donna Walker
Gina Ellis
Jennifer O’Connell
Katie Sullivan
Lise Wilson
Lisette Farrell
Molly Stokas
Nancy Pfeiffer
Penny Robbins
Pfister Family Foundation
Raegan Prior
Robyn Hudgens
Sheryl Scarano/The Scarano Family Fund at the San Diego Foundation
The Honorable Susan Huguenor
Zoe Kleinbub